Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A change in plans- Regrouping in Monforte de Lemos

10-17-2023.  We did end up finding a place open for dinner which was delightful.  The first salad we’ve found in days.   

   Woke up to a windy wet morning and needed to be out of the Pension by 8:00.  There was a small cafe/bar open next door so we contemplated our coming day over cafe-lache.  
It’s clear I can not carry my pack over the next several stages of the Inviernos route.   There is no system set for transporting packs ahead like on some of the more popular routes.  The distances between lodging and the steepness of the terrain is just more than I feel comfortable with so in keeping with “one day at a time theme” we called a cab to take us though miles of beautiful mountains and forests to the town of Monforte de Lemos.  We  checked in to the Cardinal ****Hotel along the river for 2 nights to rest and regroup.  

 Photos from our walks around town yesterday.

The Paradore on top of the hill.

Looking down on the town.

Remains in the old Jewish Quarters

                           Hotel Cardinal 
              With view looking out onto the river .

Plenty of hot water for us and we just got our clean  dry laundry delivered to our room.

Our view from the hotel at breakfast this morning.   It’s still raining a little but the ducks are happy and so are we.

1 comment:

  1. Left it the same name…to confusing to change it.



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