Oct 15, 2023 Puente de Domingo Florez to O Barco de Valdeorras. 19km. 6 hrs walking.
So here’s the story. I’ve been having a really hard time carrying my pack which is 25+ so last night at the Hostel La Torre we arranged to have a taxi driver take our backpacks to our destination Hostel Mayo. What a treat to start off with a little bounce in our steps without the weight.
All day we walked in a gentle on and off drizzle with ponchos making us wetter on the inside than if we had not had them on. Oh no, do I sound like a complaining pilgrim? It’s not easy even with a day pack. This entire region is fastinating to me or anyone interesting in geology. It is the “slate capital” of Spain. They export to all over Europe for the slate roofs. Our Camino paths vary from sharp chards to vertical layers and slick horizontal layers. Cool stuff.
Here is a shot of our elevation for the day as my watch battery was dying toward the end.
Good call on the packs, again great photos